
with Vastu & Yogic tips, 
to be more aligned with your Self

And, without building works or demolitions, just energetically!

Tell me one thing:

Is your home supporting your spiritual well-being?

Have you ever noticed how much the space where you live is affecting you?

 I often see many yogis and truth seekers putting lots of effort in their spiritual practice to be more aligned, not paying attention to the environment where they're living. Their home represent the person they want to let go, rather than person they aim to become.

I also see many sensitive people seeking to live in a more uplifting space, not knowing very well how to take care of it. Or even people feeling drained at home, or not feeling very cosy in some areas of it, don't understanding why. Does it sound familiar to you?

 Do you relate to this?

You're struggling with alignment, don't feeling very cosy at home 

You feel there's something not quite right in your home, you’re willing to harmonize its energy but not sure where to start. 

You're seeking to live in a more supportive space for your spiritual well-being 

You're about to move, you have just moved to a new place or would like to transform your current home into a "sanctuary"  

You're willing to go deeper into your spiritual path, taking care of your home 

You’re seeking an inner transformation towards a more spiritual lifestyle, letting go the old version of you.

 "You can't do work on yourself
and not do work on the space you live. 
And, you can't do work on the space you live and not do work on yourself"  

Elizabeth Gilbert
Bestseller writer. Author of "Eat, Pray, Love" and "Big Magic", among other books

Liz Gilbert is right!

When you work on your inner self, that's going to have an impact in the space around you. You suddenly feel like changing things around you in your home or you enjoy a different atmosphere. That's changing your space from the inside out.

However, you can also change your inner space from the outside in, starting from your home, changing the energy of your outer environment to reflect the person you aim to become. In this course, I balance both approaches!

Your home is a reflection of yourself:

What's outside you, it's also inside.
 Learn how to harmonize your home's energy while working on your spiritual growth, at your own pace.

You will feel more aligned, achieving more peace of mind, focus, uplifting energy and spiritual well-being.

Let me show you how...

The course that will guide you to transform your home into a sacred space,
aligning your body, mind and soul.

An step by step method to harmonize and uplift your home's energy, while working on your spiritual growth.

 "When building one's home, it's important that it reflects not only what one is, 
but what one hopes to become" 

Swami Kriyananda
Direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, founder of Ananda Shangha.

What kind of spiritual growth will you experience? 

A big part of the course focuses on conscious space clearing, following these four yogic principles: non-attachment, cleanliness, contentment and self-awareness. It's an exercise designed to work on your mental, emotional and physical level.

So, if you follow these guidelines, the spiritual growth you will experience will be as follows:

You will grow in self-awareness

You will learn how to work with your body sensory perception, feel the energy and detect the most common excuses that your mind will tell you when trying to let go those belongings your don't love or use anymore. 

You will grow in discernment

I will teach you to go thorough your belongings and discern what truly makes you happy and what doesn't. Once you get practice with this on decluttering, use it in other areas of your life will be easier.


Let go is not easy, I know! I struggled with this for years and finally got the tricks that work for me as magic. I will share them with you!  


Decluttering your living space will make you keep what's really important for you and make you happy. The Vastu & Yogic tips I share will also uplift your home's energy and consequently, yours too :-)

You will also get these benefits...


A sense of alignment and more clarity in your life to take the right decisions!


Simple tricks to have a more peaceful environment will work for your mind, too.


Transforming the energy of your home with my guidelines will also transform you!

SPIRITUAL well-being

With Vastu tips to attract the particular aspect of the Divine you choose: light, love, etc

uplifted home's energy

Enjoying a more Satvic energy that supports your health and well-being.

tidy & organised space

Get rid of the clutter and let go all objects that represent the old version of you.


An expansive feeling for your body, mind and soul moving around your home.


Consciously cleaning and clearing your home, will bring you opportunities for healing. 

The ones who have already taken this course, they say:  

Amparo Calabough
Alicante, (España)  

"It is a transformative course, so much that in my case the internal resistances to change were activated. In fact, I am still doing the course. Give yourself to the lessons, your relationship with the space and your home will no longer be the same. Chew it and advance at your own pace. It's a journey of no return!”

Joana Araujo
Lisbon, (Portugal)

 "Julia has a deep knowledge of the philosophy of Yoga and this is seen in the knowledge of Vastu. The course is very well structured and with a language that is easy to understand for those who are hearing about this philosophy for the first time. The course has a lot of information and it's inspiring for those who receive it, I really enjoyed it! Julia speaks from the heart and this shows in the way she communicates and expresses her knowledge. It's worth the investment. Thank you very much"

Inder Moorjani
Pune, (India)

"From this course I got a lot of guidance on how to use simple and practical tips to harmonize a home or living space no matter where I am. I have started implementing these teachings into my daily routine, whenever possible. Especially working  from home (in today's scenario many people have flexibility to work from any location) some tips are very useful to energize and protect the space. Eager to learn new and advance knowledge on this topic from Julia!"

Imagine if...

You could transform your home into a temple
that supports your spiritual growth

Imagine entering through the door and entering into a universe of protection and expansion for your Self, enjoying more peace of mind, opening the most remote closet or drawer and locating everything at first sight, clean your home as part of your spiritual practice and fully enjoy one of those movie afternoons on the sofa with a blanket, while everything else is in order.
You would laugh at a new lock down!

Julia Dalalba

Your instructor here!

You're a soul living in a temple called "body", that lives in another temple called "home". My role in this course is to show you ways to balance both temples so you gain spiritual growth and well-being. 

What will I really teach you?

We will harmonize the energy of your home following these 4 main steps: clearing, cleaning, purifying and blessing.
So, the course content is structured as follows: 

Here I present you the structure of the course and the steps to follow to get the most of it, as well as an introduction to the consciousness of your home.

L2_Discovering the consciousness of your home

This section introduces you to the practice of Concious Space Clearing to help you let go the items that drains your energy. You will learn how to: deal with the mental and emotional obstacles that may hold you back, deal with your attachments, discern, observe your body's energy and mental & emotional discourse, etc. The 8 lessons in this step are as follows:

L1_Yogic Minimalism
L2_Conscious Space Clearing
L3_Clearing physical clutter
L4_Clearing mental clutter
L5_Clearing emotional clutter
L6_Conscious feeling exercise
L7_Facing difficulties to let go?
L8_The letting go test 

In this section you will learn yogic tools to clean & purify your inner self through your home, as well as tips to heal certain aspects of you that you were not conscious of. You will discover it in the following lessons:

L1_The different levels of consciousness in your home
L2_Practicing karma yoga at home
L3_Clean your inner self through your home
L4_How to develop will power through your home 

Pujas to purify the energy of the space is an essential part of Vastu. Here I share 5 very simple rituals I designed, using the 5 main elements of Vastu, adapted to the Western practices. You will learn how to purify your home using specific incense, herbs, minerals, salt and healing prayers.
The lessons are as follows:

L1_Purify your home using the air element
L2_Purify your home using the fire element
L3_Purify your home using the water element
L4_Purify your home using the earth element
L5_Purify your home using the ether element 

Here we will work on the main door entrances of your home. I will share powerful Vastu tips to bless your home with specific words, symbols, statues and idols. The lessons of this section are as follows:

L1_What spiritual vibration would you like to welcome in?
L2_Blessing your home with these special words
L3_Blessing your home with these sacred symbols
L4_Blessing your home with these specific sculptures
L5_Blessing your home with your idols
l6_Vastu's secret to bless you through your home

Finally, as every single one of us are unique, I will give you some recommendations to adjust these four steps to you and your circunstances.

They are 26 lessons.
It contains support for doubts at the end of most lessons and a downloadable worksheet.

Is this course right for you?

I think you'll love it!
Especially if you belong to any of the following categories:


You're highly sensitive to the energies around you, willing to live in a home that supports your inner alignment and spiritual growth.


You're interested in yoga and spirituality, looking for ways to use architecture and the living space as a connector for spiritual well-being.  


You're seeking a more holistic lifestyle, complementing Ayurveda with the Vedic wisdom of Vastu for healing and spiritual growth.

And, it doesn't matter if you live in a house, flat, a room within a shared apartment or... even a van!
The principles that I'll be teaching you can be applied to any living space.  

Your instructor

Hi! I'm Julia!

  • Vastu consultant, architect and healer specialised in interior design for health & spiritual well-being.
  • Ph.D. candidate in sacred architecture, Oxford (UK).
  • Kriya yoga practitioner, Yogananda's disciple since 2013.

I've always wondered how the building environment affects your health and well-being since I was attending architectural school in Madrid (Spain). My own spiritual search took me later on to India. There I joined the kriya yoga path and felt in love at first sight with the Vedic science of Vastu. I immediately knew that it was a subject I wanted to master! Since then, I have been living between Spain, India and United Kingdom, pursuing my doctoral thesis on Vastu Shastra for Christian Spirituality.

This course is the result of combining my experiences visiting different sacred spaces in Japan, China, Thailand, India and Europe along with my own spiritual practice, profession as a Vastu consultant, architect and healer.

By the way, I am also a highly sensitive person (HSP) so, I understand very well how the space in which we live affects us on a sensory, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level.


You have lifetime access! Once you purchase it, you can go through it at your own pace. You can also review the lessons and go back to it all the times you want :-) 

That's not a problem! Some knowledge in Raja Yoga is recommended for you to get the most of the course but that's not a requirement. 

Oh my gosh, no! No building works are needed! I'm going to give you very simple guidelines that you can implement yourself.

The course material is delivered in pre-recorded videos with some worksheets you can download. 

Of course! If you spend 30 days going through the course, taking action, but you don’t see any results, I will gladly give you a refund. No risks here!



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Sarah Fiess

Enlightening and inspiring

Julia provides a detailed, yet easy to follow understanding of yogic and energetic principles which I have been able to implement in my own home. After working with Julia my home feels much easier to keep clean and organised, also the energy of the home feels lighter and more supportive of my spiritual growth. I highly recommend this course!

2 years ago
Brenda Telemaque

Rich in substance

The course was rich in substance and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It evoked an energy that allows me to see things differently and challenges me to review earlier practices. My attention and concentration are more than ever focused on what is real to my spirit, rather than sense. Thank you!

3 years ago
Inder Moorjani

Simple and Practical

A very simple and easy to understand concepts which can be easily implemented anywhere in the world. Julia explains it very well.

3 years ago

Your home, your temple

Taking care of your living space is taking care of you

Enroll now!

180 €

One single payment, VAT free

  • 26 lessons
  • Unlimited access
  • Support for doubts
  • Downloadable worksheets

By the way, this course has been subsidized by the following organizations:

Julia Dalalba (Julia María Vidal Álvarez) ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2021. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de Pontevedra, Vigo y Vilagarcía de Arousa.”